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Heat Exchanger

Heat Exchanger

Our Heat Exchanger is an equipment and built in such a way which transfers heat/hot air at low pressure steam having trap line consisting of Bucket trap and lter strainer to drain out Condensable form of Steam i.e water and a passage to take out Non Condensable gases, steam which is given through inlet of the Heat Exchanger from Boiler. Our Heat Exchanger is operated through low pressure as our system prevents the accumulation of the Non Condensable gases in the chamber of Heat Exchanger avoiding the back pressure of steam from boiler right from the world goes hence minimizing the pressure on the boiler. Condensable from u.e water is separated from the steam through Bucket Trap system with Filter Strainer
placed under the Heat Exchanger.

De- moisturizing process of the paddy is carried out in the dryer, if water is added through steam which
contains water then it takes a lot of time to dry the paddy. Hence proper trap line system is provided in
order to take away the water from steam and the water which is duly puri ed in the Filter Strainer and
the same ltered water is carried to Boiler result in reducing the burning of the fuel.
We manufacture the steam Heat Exchanger in different capacity (from 18 tonners to 24 tonnes paddy
to be dried in the dryer per day) Very comfortable for cleaning of all tubes because it is folding system.